Business Best Practises: How to Lead Effective Meetings

Business Best Practises: How to Lead Effective Meetings

Have more efficient meetings by removing secret time-wasters. For most businesses, meetings are an essential component for getting things done. At the same time, poorly led and organised meetings are a time-consuming swamp that bedevils business leaders at every turn....

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How to Get a Handle on Emails to Boost Productivity

How to Get a Handle on Emails to Boost Productivity

Depending on who you talk to, the use of email is one of the greatest advances in business communications or the worst thing to affect productivity in the past several decades. Every CEO and business owner knows what it’s like to open his or her inbox to a deluge of...

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Does Your Sales Team Possess Client Engagement Skills?

Does Your Sales Team Possess Client Engagement Skills?

We hear a lot of talk about the importance of employee engagement, but how well do members of your sales team engage with current and prospective clients? Whenever a customer and salesperson talk directly, or a prospect reaches out to a business on their social media...

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The Pros and Cons of Invoice Financing

The Pros and Cons of Invoice Financing

Businesses are often haunted by customers who consistently pay their invoices later than expected, or by those who don’t pay at all. A great deal of time, effort, and resources can be consumed by chasing after delinquent accounts receivables, while the effect on cash...

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Hiring Efficiently – How to Hire the Next Steve Jobs

Hiring Efficiently – How to Hire the Next Steve Jobs

The Wall Street Journal's Future of Data: Encoded in DNA describes a project running at Harvard that is using DNA as a storage medium for digital information. The project team translated a book, a text on genomic engineering no less, into actual DNA. This article was...

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Methods to Get New Employees Off to a Fantastic Start

Methods to Get New Employees Off to a Fantastic Start

Even at companies with great products and technologies, employees are invaluable. After all, someone needs to develop those new innovations and maintain your technology. It's no secret that a company is only as strong as its weakest link.  But even though employers...

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How to Build Innovation Through Strategic Planning

How to Build Innovation Through Strategic Planning

At this point, not a lot can be predicted about how businesses will fare in 2021. But one thing’s for sure—innovation, the ability to come up with new products, upgrades, and other breakthroughs, will be critically important. That’s why companies should strive to...

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12 Ways to Make Budgeting And Forecasting Easier

12 Ways to Make Budgeting And Forecasting Easier

Building and implementing a budgeting and forecasting process is critical to revenue growth. In today's fiercely disruptive and competitive world, the importance of such an approach cannot be undermined. And during the volatile and challenging COVID-19 era, we need to...

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How to cross-promote the business and stay profitable

How to cross-promote the business and stay profitable

At this point, you’re probably tired of reading blogs about sugary snack rolls. If you humour me by reading this last one, I promise to keep it short, and I promise that this will be the last time that I mention Twinkies in a blog. English: Hostess Twinkies. Yellow...

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5 Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Customers in 2021

5 Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Customers in 2021

Customers are a lot savvier than they used to be. With tools like the internet and social media at their disposal, they can do a great deal of preliminary research before embarking upon the purchasing journey. They also have considerably more expectations regarding...

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Tips on Pivoting for the Eventual Business Re-Open

Tips on Pivoting for the Eventual Business Re-Open

While it may seem hard to be optimistic about the business landscape, inevitably things will improve, and businesses will re-open. For this to succeed on an individual basis, most companies will need to review and reassess their current business plan. (Many companies...

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Text Message Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Text Message Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Your current and prospective customers spend a lot of time on their phones, so it’s logical for you and other small businesses to focus on different marketing strategies. Among the most popular now, depending upon the business, is text message marketing. According to...

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Make Your Business Grow: Tips for Marketing Your Business

Make Your Business Grow: Tips for Marketing Your Business

I’ve been involved with small business leadership for longer than I care to mention.  If you’re trying to guess how just how long, I’ll only say that in the first peer advisory board that I led, we had to kick out a Stegosaurus, because she wasn’t paying her dues. ...

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Is Failure REALLY the Fastest Way to Achieve Innovation?

Is Failure REALLY the Fastest Way to Achieve Innovation?

The Economist has long argued that innovation is one of the most important assets of a country's economic growth rate. Tom Kelly, of IDEO, has written a fascinating book titled Ten Faces of Innovation that focuses on how to innovate.  IDEO may be the most innovative...

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On the Other Side

On the Other Side

I will not profess to know what is on the other side of this global pandemic; in fact, it would be fair to say that no one knows what is on the other side. What we know for sure is that not knowing specifics or a trend is not a reason for inaction. Now is the time to...

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How to Improve Your Team’s Customer Service Skills

How to Improve Your Team’s Customer Service Skills

No one can predict what will happen to the business landscape in 2021 (look how far off the experts were about 2020, pre-coronavirus pandemic!). But one constant will remain in place next year, and for years to come: the primary importance of high-quality customer...

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Approach 2021 with a Fresh Perspective

Approach 2021 with a Fresh Perspective

It’s hard to believe that 2020 is nearing its end, but it will surely be one to remember for years to come.  This year has been a difficult one for business owners. Many of my clients included have persevered like never before, and for this, they should be commended. ...

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9 Things you did not know about Business Coaches

9 Things you did not know about Business Coaches

There is a reason why high performing athletes have coaches. To reach their highest potential, to improve their performance, and to win. Multiple studies have proven that coaching in business has similar benefits. With the right coach, you will be a better leader and...

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