What to Keep in Mind as You Re-Open Your Business

What to Keep in Mind as You Re-Open Your Business

Businesses face some challenges as they prepare to re-open and greet new and returning customers. These challenges affect both online businesses and those with a retail, brick-and-mortar presence. In these unprecedented times, “people will go to physical stores for...

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Instilling a Sense of Accountability in Your Workforce

Instilling a Sense of Accountability in Your Workforce

“Accountability” is another word for ownership—the attitude that “when an employee says that they will do something, they follow through with it and get it done” (of course, the same attitude applies to business owners and managers across the board). When a company’s...

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A Quick Guide to Recruiting Remote Employees

A Quick Guide to Recruiting Remote Employees

The trend towards recruiting and hiring remote workers was already in place prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. It now appears that most businesses will likely seek some form of remote workforce in the weeks and months to follow. But the hiring process for...

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How to Save Business Costs Without Losing Employees

How to Save Business Costs Without Losing Employees

What will the post-coronavirus business world look like? Regardless, one thing is fairly certain—to survive, businesses will have to do more with less, particularly when it comes to business expenses. Numerous cost-saving approaches exist. A business can undertake a...

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Boosting Diversity in Your Recruitment Efforts

Boosting Diversity in Your Recruitment Efforts

As businesses slowly begin to reopen, there is likely to be a fresh demand for new hires. But rather than go through traditional employee recruitment practices, many businesses now seek to expand the range of diversity within their workforces. While some companies...

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What Does Workplace Health and Safety Look Like Now?

What Does Workplace Health and Safety Look Like Now?

As businesses across Australia slowly begin to reopen, there’s renewed focus on what constitutes a safe and healthy workplace. From the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, business owners and CEOs have worked hard to maintain the well-being of their workforce. Now a new...

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11 Tips to Communicate Change to a Concerned Workforce

11 Tips to Communicate Change to a Concerned Workforce

In business, and in life, change is constant. For many businesses, the coronavirus pandemic caused massive disruption to the way their business was conducted. The choices were to evolve or die. Other businesses saw the demand for their products and services surge and...

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Tips on Renegotiating Contracts and Leases

Tips on Renegotiating Contracts and Leases

As businesses start opening up again and some sort of normalcy hopefully emerges soon, business owners and CEOs might take this time to look at their existing contracts with vendors and landlords. This could be the right moment to engage in renegotiations that can...

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How to Embrace Change and Innovation in Your Company

How to Embrace Change and Innovation in Your Company

As the global pandemic reminds us, the only constant in business (and life) is change. Some business owners and CEOs are more open to this principle than others, but whatever your degree of acceptance or resistance, it’s clear that businesses must adapt to change—or...

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How to Reinvent Your Business from the Inside-Out

How to Reinvent Your Business from the Inside-Out

In so-called ordinary times, many businesses experience the need to reinvent themselves to meet changing customer demands. Today, months into the COVID-19 outbreak, the “reinvention challenge” is more pressing than ever. Leaving aside the enormous hurdles presented by...

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A Balanced Mindset for Weathering the Pandemic

A Balanced Mindset for Weathering the Pandemic

Never has the entire global economy come to a screeching halt. In past recessions or natural disasters, we have always been able to look to previous and similar events. Even if the latest recession or disaster was different or worse, we still had many examples to...

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What to Say to Customers During a Period of Crisis

What to Say to Customers During a Period of Crisis

In what we fondly recall as “normal times,” there wasn’t much question about how to communicate with customers. Basic principles included reaching out to customers where they “live” online and avoiding technical or otherwise confusing jargon. In our present period of...

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How to be a More Effective Crisis Leader

How to be a More Effective Crisis Leader

Business leaders have faced many challenges in recent years, from 9/11 to the Great Recession of 2008. But the challenges presented by the outbreak of COVID-19 represent a whole new level of difficulties involved in leading a business through tough times. Like...

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Tactics for Strategic Cost-Cutting in Your Business

Tactics for Strategic Cost-Cutting in Your Business

For many businesses, cost-cutting becomes necessary in times of sales slumps and reduced revenue. But strategic cost-cutting is a different matter altogether. This process, as Forbes contributor Rodger Howell notes, “helps ensure an organisation is ready for growth”...

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Business Best Practices: How to Control Business Growth

Business Best Practices: How to Control Business Growth

When you first decided to start your own company, you most likely did a lot of research using various outlets such as reading books on becoming an entrepreneur, taking a few classes about starting your own company, talking to other successful entrepreneurs, etc.  Now...

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