The opportunities for female leaders in business

The opportunities for female leaders in business

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of female led businesses in Australia, as a result of advances in technology, home based, mobile friendly, and family friendly work environments. This new era in business has seen women today owning more than a third of...

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The priorites for small business in Australia

The priorites for small business in Australia

Making up close to 60% of our nations Gross Domestic Product currently, SMEs are leading the way for innovation, change, adaptability, and growth. According to Kate Carnell, AO Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman "Tens of thousands of small...

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Low-Cost Ways to Promote Employee Wellness

Low-Cost Ways to Promote Employee Wellness

Have you implemented a formal employee wellness program in your business? If not, there are compelling reasons to consider moving forward with a program that emphasises the value of a healthier lifestyle and that offers resources for employees to pursue this admirable...

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How to Build More Efficiency into Your Business

How to Build More Efficiency into Your Business

“How do I make my business more efficient?” is a question business owners or CEOs might ask themselves every day. While what constitutes “efficiency” might differ from one industry to the next, generally speaking, an efficient business is one that manufactures (and/or...

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6 Tips for Winning Back Lost Customers

6 Tips for Winning Back Lost Customers

Sooner or later every business loses a valued customer. Needs change, problems occur, personalities differ. But nowhere is it written that a lost customer must stay lost. In fact, the mark of a successful business is its ability to determine why customers stray and to...

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A Better Way to Prioritise Projects

A Better Way to Prioritise Projects

All businesses, and especially small/medium business owners, struggle with priorities. The Tyranny of the Urgent ensures that the important and urgent get done. Otherwise, the business would not exist. The key to the more successful businesses is that they also figure...

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How to Manage Your Mobile Workforce

How to Manage Your Mobile Workforce

The Australian workforce is changing the nature of “work” as we once knew it. The days when employees absolutely had to work at a desk, in an office, are long gone. While many businesses still insist on keeping their workforce on-site, more than 30 percent of...

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What Technology Is Best for Driving Growth?

What Technology Is Best for Driving Growth?

  Advances in technology have significantly leveled the playing field for small and mid-sized businesses. They now have access to much of the same technological resources previously available only to larger companies, and these resources enable them to become...

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Key Elements of a ‘Strategy Planning Day’

Key Elements of a ‘Strategy Planning Day’

Is the thought of the strategic planning process too daunting for you to consider? Many small business owners and CEOs are inclined to put this off, thinking that such planning requires extended time away from the workplace, a commitment of additional resources and...

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Save Time with Fewer (and More Productive) Meetings

Save Time with Fewer (and More Productive) Meetings

For most companies, there’s no way around having meetings as a way to conduct day-to-day business. At the same time, it’s hard to find any CEO or business owner who doesn’t experience frustration at having to participate in so many meetings, or who feels stymied by...

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CEOs Save Time by Learning to Say “No”

CEOs Save Time by Learning to Say “No”

How many times in a day do people approach you or your gatekeeper with a request, suggestion or some other time-consuming appeal? Like many other business leaders, your first inclination may be to say, “OK,” or “Yes, I’ll look into that.” You want to help others or...

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