Improving Your Accounts Receivables Process

Improving Your Accounts Receivables Process

Most businesses offer a solution to problems or otherwise fulfill a need experienced by their target audience. They can only go on doing this if—in exchange for delivering a valued good or service—they get paid for doing so. As part of overall business operations,...

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How to Increase Your Company’s Cash Flow

How to Increase Your Company’s Cash Flow

With most banks having a difficult time lending to small growing businesses, it’s been hard to find the money to help grow your business. Let’s face it, Profits are Great, but the reality is, Positive Cash Flow will keep you in business. Find out how Invoice Financing...

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What Is Business Coaching And Do You Really Need It?

What Is Business Coaching And Do You Really Need It?

A business coach will assist and guide an owner in running their business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal goals. Business coaching is a process used to take a business from where it is now to where the...

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Why You Need a Strategic Planning Session

Why You Need a Strategic Planning Session

Kick-off your business in 2021 on the right foot by starting at the foundation of every successful business: strategy. The strategy is even more important for your business after the year we all had last year, where many of our strategies went off course. Strategic...

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Now is a Good Time to Cut Business Expenditures

Now is a Good Time to Cut Business Expenditures

In “normal” times, businesses often face the challenge of reducing expenditures while maintaining efficiency and productivity within their business operations. As we have noted before, “excessive costs—which also detract from funding new customer acquisitions or...

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Business Best Practises: How to Lead Effective Meetings

Business Best Practises: How to Lead Effective Meetings

Have more efficient meetings by removing secret time-wasters. For most businesses, meetings are an essential component for getting things done. At the same time, poorly led and organised meetings are a time-consuming swamp that bedevils business leaders at every turn....

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How to Get a Handle on Emails to Boost Productivity

How to Get a Handle on Emails to Boost Productivity

Depending on who you talk to, the use of email is one of the greatest advances in business communications or the worst thing to affect productivity in the past several decades. Every CEO and business owner knows what it’s like to open his or her inbox to a deluge of...

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Does Your Sales Team Possess Client Engagement Skills?

Does Your Sales Team Possess Client Engagement Skills?

We hear a lot of talk about the importance of employee engagement, but how well do members of your sales team engage with current and prospective clients? Whenever a customer and salesperson talk directly, or a prospect reaches out to a business on their social media...

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The Pros and Cons of Invoice Financing

The Pros and Cons of Invoice Financing

Businesses are often haunted by customers who consistently pay their invoices later than expected, or by those who don’t pay at all. A great deal of time, effort, and resources can be consumed by chasing after delinquent accounts receivables, while the effect on cash...

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Hiring Efficiently – How to Hire the Next Steve Jobs

Hiring Efficiently – How to Hire the Next Steve Jobs

The Wall Street Journal's Future of Data: Encoded in DNA describes a project running at Harvard that is using DNA as a storage medium for digital information. The project team translated a book, a text on genomic engineering no less, into actual DNA. This article was...

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Methods to Get New Employees Off to a Fantastic Start

Methods to Get New Employees Off to a Fantastic Start

Even at companies with great products and technologies, employees are invaluable. After all, someone needs to develop those new innovations and maintain your technology. It's no secret that a company is only as strong as its weakest link.  But even though employers...

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Hiring New Employees

Hiring New Employees

Do you wish you could know which applicants were the most likely to succeed? Finding the perfect candidate for an open position can be tricky. You want a person who will be a good cultural fit, possess the right job skills and who will be able to get up to speed...

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How to Build Innovation Through Strategic Planning

How to Build Innovation Through Strategic Planning

At this point, not a lot can be predicted about how businesses will fare in 2021. But one thing’s for sure—innovation, the ability to come up with new products, upgrades, and other breakthroughs, will be critically important. That’s why companies should strive to...

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12 Ways to Make Budgeting And Forecasting Easier

12 Ways to Make Budgeting And Forecasting Easier

Building and implementing a budgeting and forecasting process is critical to revenue growth. In today's fiercely disruptive and competitive world, the importance of such an approach cannot be undermined. And during the volatile and challenging COVID-19 era, we need to...

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How to cross-promote the business and stay profitable

How to cross-promote the business and stay profitable

At this point, you’re probably tired of reading blogs about sugary snack rolls. If you humour me by reading this last one, I promise to keep it short, and I promise that this will be the last time that I mention Twinkies in a blog. English: Hostess Twinkies. Yellow...

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Changing Trends in Website Design

Changing Trends in Website Design

In this webinar, we'll discuss the many changes in website design that have taken place in recent years. Website traffic and behaviour have evolved significantly. Search engines such as Google have placed new requirements for a site to show up in a search and have...

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5 Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Customers in 2021

5 Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Customers in 2021

Customers are a lot savvier than they used to be. With tools like the internet and social media at their disposal, they can do a great deal of preliminary research before embarking upon the purchasing journey. They also have considerably more expectations regarding...

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